Humorous Fiction

The Sea Lady (Version 2) - H. G. Wells
The Sea Lady (Version 2) - H. G. Wells
Humorous Fiction / Fantasy Fiction
The Silly Syclopedia - Noah Lott
The Silly Syclopedia - Noah Lott
Humorous Fiction
That House I Bought; A Little Leaf From Life - Henry Edward WARNER
That House I Bought; A Little Leaf From Life - Henry Edward WARNER
Humorous Fiction
Seven Men - Max BEERBOHM
Seven Men - Max BEERBOHM
Humorous Fiction / Literary Fiction
The Crock of Gold - James STEPHENS
The Crock of Gold - James STEPHENS
Culture & Heritage Fiction / Humorous Fiction
Letters of Travel - Rudyard Kipling
Letters of Travel - Rudyard Kipling
General Fiction / Humorous Fiction / *Non-fiction
Lady Susan - Jane Austen
Lady Susan - Jane Austen
Epistolary Fiction / General Fiction / Humorous Fiction
The School for Husbands - Molière
The School for Husbands - Molière
Humorous Fiction / Plays / Satire
Fables in Slang - George Ade
Fables in Slang - George Ade
General Fiction / Humorous Fiction
A Gentleman of Leisure - P. G. Wodehouse
A Gentleman of Leisure - P. G. Wodehouse
Humorous Fiction
Take it From Dad - George LIVERMORE
Take it From Dad - George LIVERMORE
Humorous Fiction
Seven Wives and Seven Prisons; Or, Experiences in the Life of a Matrimonial Monomaniac - L. A. ABBOTT
Seven Wives and Seven Prisons; Or, Experiences in the Life of a Matrimonial Monomaniac - L. A. ABBOTT
Humorous Fiction
What Dress Makes of Us - Dorothy QUIGLEY
What Dress Makes of Us - Dorothy QUIGLEY
Humorous Fiction / *Non-fiction / Self-Help
The Wrong Box - Robert Louis Stevenson
The Wrong Box - Robert Louis Stevenson
Humorous Fiction
Happy Days - A. A. MILNE
Happy Days - A. A. MILNE
Humorous Fiction
The Prodigal Village; A Christmas Tale - Irving Bacheller
The Prodigal Village; A Christmas Tale - Irving Bacheller
Humorous Fiction
Behind the Beyond - Stephen Leacock
Behind the Beyond - Stephen Leacock
Humorous Fiction / Satire
The Semi-Detached House - Emily EDEN
The Semi-Detached House - Emily EDEN
General Fiction / Humorous Fiction
The Sin of Monsieur Pettipon, and other humorous tales - Richard Connell
The Sin of Monsieur Pettipon, and other humorous tales - Richard Connell
Humorous Fiction / Single Author Collections
The Amazing Adventures of Letitia Carberry - Mary Roberts Rinehart
The Amazing Adventures of Letitia Carberry - Mary Roberts Rinehart
Humorous Fiction / Published 1900 onward
Tales of St. Austin's - P. G. Wodehouse
Tales of St. Austin's - P. G. Wodehouse
Humorous Fiction
Is He Popenjoy ? - Anthony Trollope
Is He Popenjoy ? - Anthony Trollope
General Fiction / Humorous Fiction
Hints to Pilgrims - Charles S. BROOKS
Hints to Pilgrims - Charles S. BROOKS
Humorous Fiction / Essays & Short Works
Over The Plum Pudding - John Kendrick Bangs
Over The Plum Pudding - John Kendrick Bangs
Humorous Fiction
This Giddy Globe - Oliver Herford
This Giddy Globe - Oliver Herford
Humorous Fiction
Love at Second Sight - Ada Leverson
Love at Second Sight - Ada Leverson
Family Life / Humorous Fiction
The Adventures of a Suburbanite - Ellis Parker BUTLER
The Adventures of a Suburbanite - Ellis Parker BUTLER
Humorous Fiction
Sunbeams - George Wilbur Peck
Sunbeams - George Wilbur Peck
Humorous Fiction / Single Author Collections
Uneasy Money - P. G. Wodehouse
Uneasy Money - P. G. Wodehouse
General Fiction / Humorous Fiction / Romance
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (version 3) - Mark Twain
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (version 3) - Mark Twain
Children's Fiction / Action & Adventure Fiction / Humorous Fiction
Humorous Fiction is a literary genre that aims to entertain readers through the use of wit, irony, satire, and other comedic devices. It often features exaggerated and absurd situations, quirky characters, and humorous dialogue. The stories in this genre are not meant to be taken seriously and are intended to make readers laugh or smile. Humorous Fiction can range from light-hearted and silly to dark and satirical, and can be found in novels, short stories, plays, and even poetry. This genre is popular among readers who want to escape from the stresses of everyday life and enjoy a good laugh.
1. Humor: Humorous fiction is characterized by its ability to make readers laugh or smile, often through witty dialogue, absurd situations, and exaggerated characters.
2. Satire: Satire is a common element of humorous fiction, in which the author uses humor to criticize and mock societal norms, behaviors, and institutions.
3. Irony: Irony is also frequently employed in humorous fiction, as the author uses unexpected twists and turns to create comedic effect.
4. Light-hearted tone: Humorous fiction typically has a light-hearted tone, making it an enjoyable and entertaining read.
5. Quirky characters: The characters in humorous fiction are often quirky and eccentric, adding to the comedic effect of the story.
6. Playful language: The language used in humorous fiction is often playful and lighthearted, using puns, wordplay, and other linguistic devices to create humor.
7. Escapism: Humorous fiction offers readers a form of escapism from the stresses of everyday life, allowing them to relax and enjoy a good laugh.