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The Silent House - Fergus Hume
The Silent House - Fergus Hume
General Fiction / Detective Fiction
Lady Audley's Secret - Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Lady Audley's Secret - Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Published 1800 -1900
Short Stories in Prose and Verse - Henry Lawson
Short Stories in Prose and Verse - Henry Lawson
Culture & Heritage Fiction / Historical Fiction / Single Author Collections
Murder in the Gunroom - H. Beam Piper
Murder in the Gunroom - H. Beam Piper
Detective Fiction
The Angels of Mons - Arthur Machen
The Angels of Mons - Arthur Machen
Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales
G.K. Chesterton's Newspaper Columns: The New Witness - 1922 - G. K. Chesterton
G.K. Chesterton's Newspaper Columns: The New Witness - 1922 - G. K. Chesterton
Essays & Short Works
The World's Best Poetry, Volume 7: Descriptive and Narrative (Part 2) - Various
The World's Best Poetry, Volume 7: Descriptive and Narrative (Part 2) - Various
Anthologies / Elegies & Odes / Narratives
Coffee Break Collection 033 - Gardening - Various
Coffee Break Collection 033 - Gardening - Various
Short Stories / Essays & Short Works
Glinda of Oz - L. Frank Baum
Glinda of Oz - L. Frank Baum
Children's Fiction / Action & Adventure Fiction / Fantastic Fiction
The Nursery ''Alice'' - Lewis Carroll
The Nursery ''Alice'' - Lewis Carroll
Action & Adventure
Oldtown Folks - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Oldtown Folks - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Culture & Heritage Fiction / Historical Fiction
Orchids - Theodore Wratislaw
Orchids - Theodore Wratislaw
Single author / Lyric
History of New England, 1630-1649 - John Winthrop
History of New England, 1630-1649 - John Winthrop
Early Modern
Fables of Aesop and Others - Aesop
Fables of Aesop and Others - Aesop
Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales
The Odyssey for Boys and Girls - Alfred John Church
The Odyssey for Boys and Girls - Alfred John Church
Action & Adventure / Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales
Nothing of Importance - John Bernard Pye ADAMS
Nothing of Importance - John Bernard Pye ADAMS
War & Military
The Children's Wonder Book - Various
The Children's Wonder Book - Various
Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales
The Madman: His Parables And Poems and The Forerunner: His Parables And Poems - Kahlil Gibran
The Madman: His Parables And Poems and The Forerunner: His Parables And Poems - Kahlil Gibran
The Bookman, March 1921 - John FARRAR
The Bookman, March 1921 - John FARRAR
Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 3: Mary Stuart - Alexandre Dumas
Celebrated Crimes, Vol. 3: Mary Stuart - Alexandre Dumas
Biography & Autobiography
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (abridged, version 3) - Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (abridged, version 3) - Lewis Carroll
Action & Adventure
Bonne-Marie, a Tale of Normandy and Paris - Henry Gréville
Bonne-Marie, a Tale of Normandy and Paris - Henry Gréville
The Apology - Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Apology - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Poetry / Multi-version (Weekly and Fortnightly poetry)

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