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  • Namebook The Red Reign: The True Story of an Adventurous Year in Russia
  • Author Kellogg Durland
  • Time 14:24:00

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Kellogg Durland spent a year in Russia as a journalist in 1906, during a seminal period in Russian history. This is a highly interesting read, knowing as we do what fell out for Russia in the next decade. The Russian Revolution did not appear from nowhere in 1917. Durland's account shows the rumblings that existed before the explosion. (Summary by Lynette Caulkins)
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IntroductionChapter I - Into the ShadowChapter II - Among Officers of the CzarChapter III - At Home with Cossacks (Part 1)Chapter III - At Home with Cossacks (Part 2)Chapter IV - Under Martial LawChapter V - With the Army of "Pacification" (Part 1)Chapter V - With the Army of "Pacification (Part 2)Chapter VI - Courting ArrestChapter VII - In PrisonChapter VIII - A Visit to Marie Spiradonova (Part 1)Chapter VIII - A Visit to Marie Spiradonova (Part 2)Chapter IX - Watching the Duma at Work (Part 1)Chapter IX - Watching the Duma at Work (Part 2)Chapter X - A Conspirative MeetingChapter XI - The Kronstadt UprisingChapter XII - Governmental Terrorism (Part 1)Chapter XII - Governmental Terrorism (Part 2)Chapter XII - Governmental Terrorism (Part 3)Chapter XIII - Amid Warsaw Contrasts (Part 1)Chapter XIII - Amid Warsaw Contrasts (Part 2)Chapter XIV - Among the MuzhiksChapter XV - The Peasant Awakening (Part 1)Chapter XV - The Peasant Awakening (Part 2)Chapter XVI - Through the Hungry CountryChapter XVII - In the Land of Lost Leaders (Part 1)Chapter XVII - In the Land of Lost Leaders (Part 2)Chapter XVIII - My Friends, the Terrorists (Part 1)Chapter XVIII - My Friends, the Terrorists (Part 2)Chapter XIX - A Close Call (Part 1)Chapter XIX - A Close Call (Part 2)Chapter XX - With the Russian Workmen (Part 1)Chapter XX - With the Russian Workmen (Part 2)Chapter XXI - Tolstoy--Odessa--Constantinople (Part 1)Chapter XXI - Tolstoy--Odessa--Constantinople (Part 2)Chapter XXII - The TrendAppendix A: Caucasian TestimonyAppendix B: The Duma's Reply to the Throne SpeechAppendix C: M. Lupochin's Letter to M. StolypinAppendix D: Report of Captain Pietuchow on Seidlce pogromAppendix E: Notes on Wages and Cost of Living
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